Monday, September 28, 2015


Well, not that the house has sold on the strength of these realtor photos (YET) but they are indeed great shots, we were lucky with the weather, clean windows sparkled in the sun, the place looks about the size of Blenheim, and they all make me want to move right in. Were I not here already. So. We shall see. 

A taster:  

And, now, for your supreme delectation, the BEFORE shot, featuring the couch area above underneath my portrait--and, I kid you not, AFTER Peg had "tidied" it:

The entire house looked like that, but 100 times worse.

Yesterday was spent Fixing USB DRIVE FUCK UP of last week, and going through every single paper, scrap, letter of STUFF ALREADY SCANNED BUT SADLY NO MORE--one by one, and re-scanning, then cataloguing, then boxing and labeling and ready for Box Shipment 2 to U of Oregon. Who also want her LC Smith Typewriter and won't let the Smithsonian have it where it'll get buried somewhere, so have to find a triple extra heavy duty box for it, which Amazing Ken, returning today from an overnight in Boston, is kindly detouring to a place called Lowes or something, to purchase for me. After that, I reckon 10-20 more boxes, then done with Oregon.

And onto Dodge Center Historical Society in Minnesota with things like great grandmother's wedding dress. 

And my baby clothes. And Peg's fur coat. And Odd's Burberry.

And then the rest of the stuff for EBay Louise.

And then pack up all the stuff I'm keeping, from books to glass dessert dishes to Peg's plaid coat she got in Paris on her honeymoon.

So I'd best get my act in gear. Oh, and go get my nails done. If I can find them.

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