Sunday, September 13, 2015


But am working through it because I have no choice. Have spent since 9 AM until just now glued to this thing, labeling scans on pen drives, moving into folders, copying, saving, blah blah blah. Over 3000 scans today, easy, probably more. Hope Oregon fucking appreciates this. I know it's 99% for me so I have a record of everything before it disappears into a library out West, and it's the right thing to do, the only thing to do. Still. Am getting SO FED UP. In deference to Peg I am listening to the Extreme Weather Channel as I work. Although in fact all I have to do is look out the window: nonstop bucketing all day. 

I wish the phone would ring. 

I was invited to go up to Williamstown to The Clark Museum to see the Van Gogh exhibition which closes today. Decided to pass (rain, driving at night). Whistler's Mother there too. Wish mine was.

My big outing was getting three sacks of garbage out to the big bin at the end of the drive, and how to do this without swimming there. Found a pair of Odds boots and someone's rain slicker they left behind, managed to get out the door and wade across the front lake and got the bags into the boot of the Saab, built to hold two marbles, tops. The end of the drive presented it's own challenges, you have to stop on a hill, handbrake on, out into the downpour, then can't open the boot, need the keys, haul the bags out then can't get the stupid bear-proof bin open--this is a giant bin, you could fit 6 people in it lying down, which let me tell you I felt like doing after I finally got the sucker open.

So then I came back to the house feeling like I'd accomplished sweet FA, so did a clear-out of the fridge--one of them. Peg has two. Correction. 4. 2 giant ones and two drinks fridges, until I sold one to Bonnie for a tenner. Peg had this thing about allowing other people to use her refrigerators for things like a bottle of wine or a can of Coke. We came to blows any number of times ("So let me get this straight, you've bought Alex a fridge of his own for upstairs so he can keep his KETCHUP up there?? Well I am SO SORRY if it is IN YOUR WAY!"). Anyhow we're down to 3 now, and my intention is to get everything confined into 1 by the time I leave, plus empty the freezer in the back room too. I see she has a veal roast there, which could be 10 years old. And a duck. I keep avoiding them both and defrost chicken thighs, which appear to be multiplying.

Why do I keep having the nagging thought that somewhere in this world, there is a person who is enjoying hearing about me having a hard time. I feel it so strongly it must be true. 

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