Friday, July 31, 2015


The grass has been mowed (mown?)

The two enormous pots of red geraniums have been brought round to the front of the house to frame the door.

The 50 miles of phone lines snaking around Peg's Quarters has been untangled and dispensed with.

The highly unattractive fake wood accordion doors on all the archways downstairs have been removed.

The equally unattractive track lighting Peg had installed on every other beam in the house has been removed.

The especially unattractive blue curtains which appeared throughout the house one summer a few years back, on every door or window, and even when there wasn't a door or window, such as midway across the kitchen, like a stage curtain--have been removed, along with rods.

The framed 4 X 5 ft Rand McNally laminated map of the world which has hung in the den since 1970 has been removed and in fact is now cut up and been jammed into the garbage. (12 Hefty bags today)

The furnace has been turned off. Bob asked me why it was on. (Why is the world round? Why is the sun hot?) Who the fuck knows. "Um, because it heats the hot water?" No. Seems we have an electric water heater. Seems we've been paying for a furnace burning oil in 90 degree weather for God knows how long.

Bob would like to buy the electronic Yamaha keyboard for his son. The arrangement is that it stays where it is in case Alex or DK come over this summer, after which Bob can buy it for half of what it cost--or we do a trade: his time for the piano.

I have missed Bob.

I have been in touch with Maple Grove Cemetery in Minnesota. All sorted. I inherited two graves from Peg's mother Frances when I was 11. I figure one for Peg and Odd's ashes and maybe I'll just lie down in the other for a minute. Starting to be tired.

Sent a prelim enquiry to MN historical society re Lynch/Renning artifacts from the 1800s, currently in a trunk upstairs, stuff like my great grandmother Lydia's wedding gown (mustard coloured baize with crown suede fringe) which am fairly sure is nothing Alex cares to inherit. Or wear.

Louise (which I keep typing Lousie, which couldn't be further from the truth) has already put a few items on ebay. 1st Edition of Alcott's Little Men  and some vintage Fiesta Ware. I love Louise. I loge Lousie I love Louise I love Louiose.

I emptied the safety deposit box. Unlike Peg, I have no intention of losing the contents.

I went to the lawyer's. Probate wheels are starting to crank. 

I got a parking ticket, while at the lawyers, for parking in the wrong direction on the street. Apparently you can't do that here. Who knew. Another reason not to live in Pittsfield.

I went to Guidos for food for dinner tonight (at a friend's), tomorrow's lunch and tomorrow's dinner. People coming. Nice people. Looking forward to it. Bonnie made up all the beds. Put grocery bags in trunk (boot). Got home. Boot wouldn't open. Clicked everything 100 times. Crawled over back seat to unload groceries into house. (NOTE TO TORY KIND GENEROUS SUBARU OWNER: it's now working. Twas me, not car. I am an idiot.)

Drove on "empty" for miles until I suddenly saw the flashing light and got gas. And there you were thinking life wasn't exciting here in the Berkshires.

Friend of Peg's arrived to commiserate just as I was flying around the kitchen preparing marinade for London Broil for tomorrow night and I was well aware I wasn't acting particularly devastated by loss of mother but couldn't do anything about it, I was late and needed to go. The woman, despite her grief,  managed to let me know that Peg had promised her a little upholstered stool. Would you believe. They can't resist, can they. This makes about the fourth person to come round crying gimme gimme. I knew exactly the stool she meant, too. Had to tell her that unfortunately I couldn't give it to her because she was a cunt. (Sadly, no, I didn't just said I wanted it, it has been mine as a child, not strictly true, but PLEASE.)

HIGHLIGHT OF DAY BY FAR (not counting he discovery that I love vodka and tonics). I heard from my god daughter. A lovely lovely note that made me cry.

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