Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Just when I think we're done I turn around and see another bookcase. She had 12, yes, 12, standing bookcases in her quarters. 7 now empty. The local library has turned their noses up at anything that isn't current and a hardcover. Which lets about nine thousand of them out. All in the car at present. Perhaps will drop one in everyone's mailbox tomorrow between here and Pittsfield when I drive into town to meet the lawyer.

The More-Than-Capable Louise spent the day with me, helping big time. She's extra fabulous at stuff that defeats me and matters I have no patience in, such as getting my USA cell reactivated and putting minutes on it. Figuring out what to do with 3 IBM Selectric typewriters, only 1 of them working (we have a plan!). Finding and putting the screens on the doors in Peg's dressing room so we don't pass out from carpet full of old dog pee (will have Outside Bob rip it up). Finding and speaking to the right Salvation Army depot that WILL take mattresses (NY, not Massachusetts apparently). Getting quotes on renting a skip (dumpster) for the drive, for my upcoming Dump-It Party (followed by Freezer Party, menu I predict will be an, er, eclectic one). Sourcing an international shippers. Then, the best, loading her car with a dozen items to put on eBay for me, plus researching and doing the write-ups. Giving her 25%. On top of which I unloaded a lot of stuff from here that SHE wanted, being a Peg fan since 1970, among the treasured items being an 8" Pyrex glass casserole dish that Peg always made a braunschweiger or however you spell it--pate in. Louise's favorite. And a confirmed vegetarian save for Peg's Pate. I photographed the recipe for her.

Meanwhile, I have worked my way through 7 boxes on the dining table here and filled an equal number of garbage bags. Plastic bins now line the counter here, labeled Peg Archive, Peg Fan/Personal, Astrid SAVE nostalgia, To ANSWER..and so on. Almost done, except for 6 (big) boxes of fan letters dating back to the early 60s. The University of Oregon where The Peg Lynch Papers are, will want them. Just need to sort. Peg was desperate to find the letter Herman Hupfeld sent her (he wrote As Time Goes By), she obsessed over it for about a year so will see if it's buried anywhere. She'd like that. I guess. Anyhow I'm doing it.

I rang 6 cousins of hers and four friends, suddenly thinking they maybe hadn't heard, which they hadn't. Been going through her address book and ringing anyone who's name rings a bell. One person had died. Also spoke to Alan Bunce's grandson, long chat, have a few things here he might want. And on Facebook I got a message from my first friend when I was 3. Fun. Kind of.

All in all a pretty good day, not counting some stick-on-sole texture pork chops I found in the back freezer, and which I fried up with some leftover baked potatoes about 10pm. I have never cooked pork chops for myself before. How very peculiar it felt. Normally when on my own I just eat easy stuff bout am determined to not let anything go to waste. Plus found some little plastic mini tubs of Odd and Peg applesauce, the kind you put in kids' lunch boxes. Thus was my meal complete. Oh, and with a Blue Moon brand wheat beer I found behind the watermelon pickles in the bar fridge.

And also not counting this morning when I couldn't find my watch which I had JUST SET DOWN ON THE BUREAU five minutes before. Looked everywhere, even downstairs. Finally burst into tears saying "Peg??? If you think this is funny, KNOCK IT OFF!" and I swear, in that instant, I turned around and went straight to the blue velvet chaise in my bedroom and there it was, in plain sight. Hm. Anyhow, the day got better after that. Plus the DISH satellite man came and removed the one they'd placed in the rose bed like a giant grey sunflower last March when Peg insisted on having the Italian Channel  (which she never once put on) because Tina the hairdresser said it was great (Tina's Italian). Seems it was the only place they could get a signal what with all the trees. He also removed 2 dead dishes from the side of the house along with a mess of black cords which attached to the old TV antennas on the roof and looped down like spaghetti into pretty much every upstairs window on that side of the house (pretty).

Now ready for bed. (Fucking real estate agent told me yesterday how her house up the road was robbed in broad daylight so she now locks everything up tight as a drum and sleeps with a big strong English billyclub next to the bed, just what I need to hear.) 

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