Friday, August 8, 2014


Mountains of it. Odd's Social Security. Odd's work pension (Beloit Corp), Odd's Norwegian pension, Odd's Papermachinery engineering death benefit, Prudential Life Insurance forms, which have three teeny tiny stocks attached, Verizon, Vodophone and Comcast, which I have been advised to sell, for the grand sun of about two cents, but to do this we have to go through Probate and list me as executor and open an Odd Ronning estate bank account and--all because of these stupid three mini stocks. Otherwise the estate could just carry on as normal since we cleverly divided it (we meaning Virginia the Elder Services lawyer) ten years ago into Peg and Odd separate trusts thus avoiding Mass State inheritance tax. Not that I'll have any now, it's just a pain, because the whole day has now revolved around these stocks which will net us, oh, $1000 if we're lucky. 

On top of which no sign of Peg and Odd's state marriage license, only the church one, which is no good as far as stupid Verizon, Vodaphone and Comcast go, apparently, so now have to write, as Peg, to Manhattan City Clerk and get two copies ($25) but can't pay by credit card, have to truck to Post Office for Postal Money Order.

Also cancelled Odd's Mutual of Omaha Travel Accident Policy (and will get reimbursed $43). And have found Odd's original Prudential Life Insurance policy, sitting tidily in the safe deposit box at Berkshire Bank and have now copied the beneficiary pages with Peg's name on it and will send them off to Prudential because they don't seem to be organized enough to hang onto that record themselves.

And when I get the Marriage Certficate will send that off to Odd's Norway pension people along with the 7 pages of filled out forms, which I'm sure I've done all wrong, and anyhow is a waste of time because I am fairly sure she will not get any spouse benefits because she's never lived in Norway and doesn't have a Norway ID number, not that I found one for my father either but I guess he must have one.

Oppenheimer Fund, Dreyfuss Fund, and two others remain a mystery as to do we still have them or did we sell them, no dividend checks have come in in four years but this could be because Odd merged it with fuck knows and--today is not a good day for me. Would much rather work on Peg's website with Cousin Tim as I did all yesterday. Fewer form-filling  involved. Am now finding myself thinking Peg? Please don't die too soon because the paperwork will kill me.

Am now off to the end of the driveway to meet this Michael Sanders the guy who's instigated this boundary issue to find out if I think he's a sleaze or on the level, and truck through the woods with him pretending I know what I'm talking about. And then come home infested with ticks and get Lyme Disease.

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