Sunday, August 24, 2014


I am pleased to report that having schlepped 12 tons of stuff over to outside Outside Bob's in at 8:00 AM, by 2:00 in the afternoon yesterday Denis and I had sold exactly $30.25 worth of goods, 2:00 in the afternoon being approximately the time I said bugger this for a game of darts and started loading the car back up. At least I tried. We even offered Denis King Big Band Swedish record albums for sale at a special price, signed by the bandleader himself (for an extra 50¢). What I came home with, besides all the unsold crap, now in the garage ready to be schlepped to Goodwill on Tyler Street on Monday en route to Lenox where we're taking Jeanette Roosevelt, who is finally feeling better, to lunch, or perhaps Goodwill, depending how much I can fit in the back---what I came home with is a worrying lower back pain and spent the evening hoping it wasn't the beginning of a herniated disc again, something which set me back for months about 4 years ago. And which I do not need, at this time of Salutes to Odd Knuts and cleaning the north forty and the attic and finding a home for nine million LPs besides the dump.

- finding tamarind pulp at Berkshire Organics on the way back from the tag sale, a culinary item I've been scouring the said Berkshires for for about a year. $5.95.
- Denis and I have received news from overseas that we have won a raffle prize at the Walberswick Village fete, which took place yesterday, despite storm clouds forming and despite our absence. I never win anything, ever. The exciting prize? Dinner at the Anchor. The pub where we eat about once a week anyway, where I occasionally cook, and where Alex works. 
Bonnie, who is doing accounts and laundry and making up beds for anyone staying next weekend helping with the Odd salute and watering plants and being fabulous with Peg, something I am not always able to do, although this morning I did let her peel garlic and cut veg for the Gugerati Green Beans on the menu for tonight along with Prawns Patia (WHICH REQUIRES TAMARIND PULP, lucky or what?) and Royal Chicken Korma--friend and Car Loaner Tory and her guy James here for dinner.

- taking all the Ethel and Albert segments off the hundreds of Peg's old time radio convention appearances over the last 30 years and currently on VHS--and transferring them to DVD. Labeled and numbered correctly, various venues and "Alberts" identified correctly, and the exact titles of the particular sketches performed. Which is where we get into the real teamwork, since he knows nothing about years and dates and Alberts and titles, and I do, which is why I am sitting here in the kitchen with him while he does this over by the fireplace on the big TV along with four black machines that Outside Bob has hooked together for us. So I suppose you could not call it strictly Den's job. Especially since I also have to keep getting up to show him again how to format the disk, pause recordings, and finalize discs. Plus now Peg is in on the act and because she wants to hear it we have to have the sound way up, as opposed to off. So in fact I have now retreated to the den. Which means I now have farther to go when I have to keep leaping up to help. Still. It feels good to delegate. Later we get to attack the tool cupboard. What a day this is turning out to be. 

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