Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Today I pushed SEND, thereby officially launching my mother's website. The invitation went out to 677 email addresses. It's something I've been working on, fretting over, obsessing about, tearing my hair out over for about four years, probably more. And yet. The clearly orgasmic thrill of hitting that SEND button was nowhere near as delicious as the hot dogs I made for dinner. Which were nothing special. As hot dogs go. Just all beef whatevers, on grilled split rolls with cheese melted under the broiler. But tasted so unbelievably perfect, at that moment, which was about 30 minutes ago, that I could still cry. 

Nor could launching the website hold a candle to the feelings of joy and release I experienced by the felling of forty plus saplings and dead pine branches around the driveway Outside Bob and I managed to accomplish with his junior chain saw. 

Funny, isn't it? 

Plus we got in two HUGE loads on a trailer to the town dump (open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) AND managed to clear--almost clear--the back tool room. Nine million phone, computer, stereo cords, broken faucets, mouse-eaten draught excluder, and another nine million unidentifiable (to me) plumbing, electrical or roofing items which Outside Bob grabbed sharpishly for his collection at home. Plus all the dead lino from the back garbage area.

Denis and I managed a quick trip to Lee Outlets to purchase a belated birthday present from me to him: denim shirt at Ralph Lauren outlet, and some aftershave (so can now cross  "DEN'S BIRTHDAY GIFT!!!!!!" off my list, which has featured since July). And grabbed trousers for Peg at GAP outlet, which she loves, thank you God.

Have spoken to Genworth, the lawyers, the bank, the catheter mail order place, and a Bill someone from the town hall who I think is the Chief of Police and who wants to know if Peg will accept the "Boston Post Cane", because they want to give it to her, as the Oldest Living Becket Resident. Apparently this cane has been making the rounds since the mid 1800s, when the owner of the Boston Post newspaper had specially made canes sent to all towns in Massachusetts which sold the Boston Post, the idea being the canes would be transferred from one Oldest Resident to the next. And here's me thinking peglynch.com was a good tribute. I could have just given her a cane (many of which I dropped off at Goodwill). She now has to be at the Town Hall on Friday morning to have her picture taken. 

I have exactly 38 mosquito bites. Just saying.

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