Saturday, June 28, 2014


Bonnie says Odd is just too uncomfortable trying to wear clothes in bed, so she picked up some hospital gowns for him. She says that he is a fighter, keeps trying to stand, wants to walk again. She says she doubts though that that will happen. He somehow got past the bed rails last night and landed on the floor. 911 called. Policeman came and helped him up. Terri called me to apologise, saying she couldn't get over there in time. She is now sleeping in "Peg's" bed, ie in the livingroom, from where she can see Daddy. Peg is in the den on a couch or whatever she's moved back in there.

Odd had another attack or two yesterday and refused nebulizer treatment, but asked Terri to stay with him and hold his hand. This is after she "changed" him and his sheets.

Terri is a better daughter to my own father than I am.

Why is he getting so much morphine? 

Why am I delaying going over? How selfish is this.

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