Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Tonight's accompaniment to blog-writing: "Bizarre Foods America", on a volume scale of 11, 10 being the highest. They're at the butcher block gobbling frozen Oreo Cookie Cake which was preceeded by Susan's Meat Loaf (Goodhouskeeping Cookbook, pg 68), baked potato and frozen beans (cooked). Three other meatloaves sit on the counter cooling, they will be divided then wrapped and frozen, so Peg and Odd have them after I leave to go back to England in two weeks but which will be discovered, by me, still in the freezer when I return this summer. But it all beats last night's dinner:

ME: (7:30 PM) glass of Nobilo Sauvingon Blanc, small bag of Smart Food popcorn, 11 Cadburys mini eggs, the milk chocolate ones covered in a sugar shell.

ODD: (8:45 PM) leftover franks and beans, buttered wholemeal bread, milk

PEG: (11:50 PM) leek and potato soup, chicken salad (whirred in mini-chop) sandwich on white. Found her still in the chair, asleep sitting up, TV blaring, furnace roaring and fifty million lights on at 2 AM when I got up to use the loo.


Outside Bob  - 8 AM - 2 PM  Cleaned bathroom after Odd used it; hooked trailer on car and took garbage to end of drive; finished stripping wallpaper off office (formerly known as the dining room) walls.       

Bonnie  -  8 AM - 4:30 PM   Took Peg to Tina the hairdresser's; did Price Chopper shop;  wrote checks to be signed by Peg; laundry; a million other things


Sold Peg's ten year old unused Nike sneakers on eBay for $27.

Hospice Home Health Aide Erica arrived at 12:30 to shower and shave Odd (thank bleedin' Christ). After Bob cleaned the loo, Odd paid another visit, after which I got on the plastic gloves and swabbed it down. Found his Depends in the garbage next to where he sits at the desk in the den. We're trying to figure out if it's him having up to 5 bananas a day that's doing it. He has one legitimate one on his morning cheerios but then grabs another, we think, every time he comes through the bar area where they live. We find the peels. As of today we are now hiding all bananas in the breadbox.

Odd didn't care for Outside Bob pulling off the last of the 40 year old nasty faded wallpaper. Clumped on in with his walker to the office to demand "What are you doing!" We explained. Daddy said the wallpaper was "fine" and didn't need to come off. We said it did. He said "Oh shit. FUCK! Shit shit shit!" and banged his walker onto the floor a few times scaring the dog before going back to his chair in the den. This is the fourth repeat of this same scene, we have had it ever since Bob started the project in the stairwell. Odd doesn't remember plus doesn't like change, period, even with all his marbles.

Peg got home newly permanented and looking lovely, whereupon Odd had another go at Bob about the wallpaper. Peg had to get up from her lunch (same as last night's dinner, no wonder she never knows what time it is) to go comfort him. "Odd's crying," she told me. I felt badly, still do, but he's recovered and if you mentioned wallpaper right now he wouldn't know what you were talking about. So will not beat myself up over this.

They napped for a reasonable 3 hours then came out to the den, one behind the other, The March of the Walkers, where Peg made me sit down and go through everything with her again regarding Daddy's health care, Hospice versus Visiting Nurses, health aides, lawyers, advisors, Medicare, everything she doesn't understand, which is just about everything you can think of. So I did, nicely, slowly, even kinda friendly-like, after which she said, "Don't forget that Andy Warhol diary is a first edition." Which, unfortunately, is guaranteed to annoy me: a) because we weren't talking about Books Of Any Value in the House; b) because it is no more interesting as a "first edition" than any book bought in nineteen eighty NINE; and c) because she has said this about twenty times since I got here.

Fortunately a lovely dinner of meatloaf beckoned, eliminating the need for further discussion.
Taking three boxes of silver from the attic into Fontaine's auction place tomorrow in Pittsfield so John F can value it and I can find out we have about $3.99 worth. 

Maybe meet Tory on Friday to go to Troy NY to a rug store. I don't need to buy any rugs but the outing appeals. My only worry is how she and I will recognize one another, we've both been using our TJMaxx $36-reduced-to-$4 eye repair cream guaranteed to get rid of circles puffiness and discoloration for a week now.

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