Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Peg is not eligible for Elder Services after all, as her income exceeds their requirement, would you believe, by $520 per month.

The lawyer has not replied to two emails, am scared to call to find out she's left the firm.

The only person who knows about the septic tank in Becket i.e. knows where the fucker is, has Alzheimers and is now in a home somewhere. Dave someone.

Peg asked where her glass shrimp dish is. I didn't know, "It probably went in the tag sale", I said. "What tag sale?" Peg says. "The one we had last summer, at Bob's. That you helped get stuff ready for," I said. Peg said this is the first she'd heard of the tag sale (after saying "Bob who?" and me saying "Bob who works for you!"). I was told "stop taking her things all the time!" and that she is not getting rid of anything, it's her stuff, and she will be taking it ALL with her when she moves. Oh, and she doesn't want a condo "with all those people around", she's sick of people, she wants to buy a trailer.

She is in perfect health, blood pressure and all vitals couldn't be better.

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