Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Today my mother rings me at about 5am her time. I'm at the Anchor with DK, having coffee on the terrace with musician friends. Peg is all friendly and loving--as if the past week of bile had never occurred. Looks forward to seeing me, loves me, and so on.

At 6pm tonight I got a call from Bonnie. Peg has fallen. Called out from her office, Bonnie found her on the floor, her walker and an office chair tipped over. Lost her balance, it seems. Bonnie freaked out seeing Peg had cut her face, just above the eye, blood everywhere. Then couldn't lift her. Could not reach anyone by phone to come help. Fortunately, just then, a man from radio whatever in Albany arrived to do an interview with Peg--but had to haul her up off the floor first. Last I heard, she had ice on her eye and on her hip and was yakking away. Bonnie a wreck. I had just about calmed her down when I heard a siren thing go off and she said oh God, Peg's pushed the Link to Life emergency thing on her wrist by mistake!--and hung up. 

I haven't called back. This is like the Twilight Zone.


Seems Peg has a broken hip. She has been admitted to Berkshire Medical Center. Doctors are trying to assess whether she is strong enough (heart etc) to withstand an op, which she apparently needs. (And if she's not? What then??)

1 comment:

  1. Rachel's Mum here Astrid ,and please forgive the intrusion but I was in a similar situation [ without the geographical probs ] some years back Your Mum does not hate you, but as the only other member of the family you are her safety valve. She hates being old, forgetful, ill, frail, and dependant on others to make decisions about her destiny. For such a successful, universally admired, productive and highly intelligent lady these things are doubly difficult. I know you understand this really and it's no fun being your Mum's only mental punch-bag. I enjoy your blog and look forward to St Ed's Hall on the 30th. God Bless. Nancy
